
Openingsuren feestdagen 2023 Beste klanten, Zoals ieder jaar zijn onze openingsdagen gewijzigd tijdens bepaalde feestdagen. Om te voorkomen dat u een heerlijke maaltijd misloopt vindt u onderstaand een opsomming van de aankomende wijzigingen. Paaszondag 9 April : gesloten Paasmaandag 10 April : geopend van 11:00 tot 19:00 Maandag … Read more »

Restaurant temporary closed as of 1/10 Dear guests,Due to several unforeseen circumstances we are forced to close the doors of our restaurant for an indefinite period.You are still welcome in the restaurant to Friday the 30st of September. From the 01 st of October our doors will be closed. … Read more »

About us

According to research, Friture-Restaurant Reitz is the first and oldest establishment in the Netherlands were fries were sold. The art of frying of potatoes came from France and Belgium, were you could find it on the travelling fairs.

In the year 1909 the family “Reitz” started to sell fries in Maastricht on the Market Square in the house on number 75. The name of the family is still the name of the company and is still located on number 75 on the Market Square, for more than 100 years. Since ages “Reitz” is well known, even across the borders with Belgium and Germany.

According to tradition our fresh fries are fried in beef fat. Most of the sauces are homemade, like the “zuurvlees” (our famous kind of stew), the goulash, peanutbuttersauce and the mayonnaise.

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